We haven't been up to too much lately as the weather hasn't been the greatest (until this past weekend). On Friday, we went to a local pet store to see the chicks & goslings! Maya loved it as she LOVES looking at chicks in her animal books!
She's been having fun playing with her dolls for her dollhouse. She crawls around the playroom carrying them!
She's not walking quite yet but seems to be close. I think she is actually being a bit of a chicken about it. She can walk barely holding onto just our pinky finger. She seems to prefer to crawl- she's gotten so fast at crawling I don't know if she sees the point in walking! Below she is pushing around her dinosaur walker- well pushing it until she runs out of space!
"Hey Mom, help me turn this thing around please!" |
As usual, she's been really into her books. Her favorites right now are books with photographs. She loves to point to the animals to hear me name them and she loves to point to the ones we ask her to find. She also loves "mooing" whenever she sees a cow. Tonight she saw a picture of a cow on her gallon on milk and started mooing. We were cracking up.
"This page is making me hungry!" |
She seems to be enjoying story time at the library. She's in the toddler group now with 1-2 year olds and while she's the youngest in the class, she seems to prefer this age group. She's more daring in it (read- she's not clinging to me like a tree frog the whole time)- or maybe she's just comfortable there now.
She's been getting really messy all of a sudden when she eats. Here she is looking like a food monster!
"ARGH- give me more Trader Joe's gnocchi Mom!" |
I'm feeling pretty good about her schedule as daycare is on the horizon She's pretty much exactly on her daycare schedule with just 1 nap (although her nap is typically much longer than the 2 hour daycare nap time) and is on the same time schedule for breakfast, lunch and snacks! Oh and she's doing a nice job with milk in her straw cup! She's so grown up :-/
She's still a book loving, outside loving, sweet little Maya Bean!