Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Vera was 10 Months Old

Vera was 10 months old on April 29th.  She's now waving hi and bye when she sees people.  She also started transition to a seated position on her own.   She started imitating hand movements more consistently (for example when we all raise our hands she will too).  She becomes more and more fun each month!

Maya's 5th Birthday!

Maya had a great 5th birthday.  She really wanted a party with friends this year and we obliged. She had her party at My Gym and I think they all really had a nice time!

Happy Birthday Maya!

weight- 40 lbs
height- 42.5"

She had a healthy check up and had to get 2 shots- which she wasn't happy about!

Maya was able to help make some of the decoration this year!  These were the favors!

Zip line fun!

Vera was 9 Months Old!

Vera at 9 months you really started playing.  You loved interacting with your siblings and started refusing being spoon fed because you just wanted to feed yourself.

You continued to be our happy big baby!

19 lbs 12 oz (68%)
28" tall (67%)- she's the shortest of our 3 at this age

Just because they're cute too!

Vera was 8 Months Old (In February)

Happy very belated 8 Months Vera.  I think that this month you started clapping and grew your top teeth!

You also started consistently sleeping through the night by now (although you're our rooster early in the morning)!

Our little Bumble  Bee!

You enjoyed sitting outside and watching your siblings play!

Valentine's Day 2016

The kids had fun on Valentine's Day!

Maya gave her classmates the glow wands below and Leo's class didn't exchange Valentines' so he decided to make crafts for his teachers.

Vera was 7 Months Old (back in January....) oops!

Poor Vera, the third child... well honey, honestly I don't remember exactly what new things you did this month as life as been crazy as usual!  But I do remember that you continued to be a happy content baby.  I know that you started sitting up and playing really well.  I know that you loved to laugh at your siblings, the dogs, and your dad!  And I know that you continued to bring us so much more love and joy than we ever could have imagined!

Easter 2016

The kids enjoyed 2 Easter Egg Hunts for Easter this year!  One was at our house and one was at "G.B.'s" They were blessed and saw all of their grandparents this year!  They had a blast and Vera seemed amused with all of the happenings on her first Easter!

This picture really sums up trying to get a picture of 6 kids!

We did an Easter Egg hunt at a local nursery

Maya's Eggs

Leo's Eggs

The Easter Bunny came!