Maya is 7 months old! I can't believe how fast the time is going. This month she learned to sit really well. She got her first tooth (her bottom left), and started laughing more! Maya also started scootching backwards when she's on her belly- perhaps this is a prelude to crawling?? She tried a lot of new foods. For awhile she was rejecting all solids, but this past week she's done a nice job. She really likes apples, sweet potatoes, and butternut squash right now. She got her first cold this month (although it might be teething related) but has been a trooper about it (except for at nighttime). She also met her granddad this month. She was very intrigued by his mustache and loved spending time with him. Unfortunately I was negligent with the camera and didn't take any pictures. I guess he and Mimi will have to come back up for some pictures soon! :-)

Maya was put to bed by someone other than myself for the first time this month. The great G.B. (my mom) came to the rescue. Unfortunately, she had to listen to a lot of "where is my mommy?" screaming but we all survived. Dave and I had a wedding to attend. Here we are all dolled up!
This month we celebrated Dave's birthday. Here are Dave and Maya posing for a picture during our lunch! Dave said that he might make it a tradition to go out to lunch with Maya on his birthday. I think that would be really nice!