Friday, July 8, 2011

Maya- 3 months old!

Here's Maya at 3 months old!  We can't believe how fast the time is going!  She weighed 11 lbs with her clothes on at her last weigh in- so she's still a little "Maya Bean" but she's growing right along her growth curve!  She had been sleeping great (she even slept through the night once) and was able to put herself to sleep when slightly awake but the last week it's been a different story... we're hoping that she reverts back to her old sleeping patterns.  Her current favorite things are her bunny, Wubbanubs (pacifier with an animal attached), her swing, her Rock N' Play Sleeper, her ceiling projection toy, and her Whoozit toy!  She also on and off loves her play gym.

Here she is:

Here's her progression:

1 comment:

  1. How adorable! ! Love her! Thanks for sharing this cute site.
