Lately Maya's been going through a bit of a sleep regression. When I say "bit" I'm really just trying to make myself feel better about the 2-3 hour epic bedtime battles that we had for a few days. Well, while browsing through a local children's consignment store, I spotted a Fisher Price Aquarium Soother listed at a great price. I figured- well it's cheap and my niece has a similar one, which she loves, and I'll try anything at this point. So for the past week or so I've been turning it on at bedtime and the light comes on, the bubbles bubble, the fish tail swishes, the lullaby music plays and it runs its course. I'm now trying diligently to put Maya in her crib awake at bedtime so she learns to self soothe. Tonight I placed her in her crib and she cried. I went downstairs to get a drink and wash a few dishes before checking in on her. When I came back upstairs she was quiet. I turned on the video monitor and there she was turning the crib soother on and off! So, she seems to have mastered cause and effect (with the added bonus of putting herself to sleep tonight)! Let's hope it continues!!
Here is the little device! Tonight it's my favorite thing (oh and yes I know the sleep experts say to not put "toys" like this in the crib, as I've read probably every major book on infant sleep, but I don't care)!
- Posted by Amy using BlogPress from my iPad