Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas Eve!

The kids have been sick in the week leading up to Christmas (mostly Leo) so we've laid low over the last few days.  We still managed to fit in lots of fun including a visit to the Brandywine River Museum to see the train exhibit, a drive to a local house which has a Christmas light show coordinated to music, and lots of crafts and cookie baking!

"Train, train, choo-choo!"

Maya had a blast decorating these Pinterest inspired sugar cookies!

She got a bit creative with some of them!

Santa Elf! Lots of cutting practice with this one!!

Play-doh fun!

Yes, Maya is often in dress up princess attire!

Merry Christmas Eve!  We hope Santa is good to everyone tonight!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Santa 2014 (& Through the Years)

Well, we did it again.  We had to go to the mall to sit on Santa's lap.  It's a tradition!  This year Maya was all smiles.  Santa had a long talk with her.  She told us Santa said he's bringing her socks!  She thought that was hilarious!   Leo... well he acted as any typical 1 year old would- he screamed.  I finally held up this big Elmo they had and then he gave me the weird face below.. I should've just picked out the picture with him really screaming.  He then bolted out of Santa's lap!

Not a happy 1 year old but a win for Maya!

Maya was sitting on my lap in this one

This is the exact same way Leo looked at first!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Santa, Mrs. Clause, and "Star" the Reindeer

Today my mom and I took the kids to see Santa Clause, Mrs. Clause, and a real reindeer!  The line was long and both kids waited so patiently for their turn!  Santa actually stopped taking pictures to come over and speak with Maya specifically.  He asked her all about what she wanted for Christmas and how she was behaving and about how her 3rd birthday party was.  She was enthralled!  Leo LOVED the reindeer.  I was just thankful that he didn't abuse the reindeer.  Fortunately, he pet the reindeer very nicely!  This event was totally worth the wait!

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

We at A LOT this Thanksgiving.  We started with an early dinner at my (Amy's) brother's house and then quickly went to Dave's Aunt & Uncle's house for dinner number 2!  The night was finished off by watching the Eagles vs. Cowboys game.  The kids had a blast and saw all of their cousins and many second cousins!

Rock Stars!

Alex: "But I don't want to share with my little cousin!"

Maya and her Great-grandfather!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Trick or Treat! Halloween 2014

This year Maya decided to be Tinkerbell and so by default Leo was Peter Pan.  Both kids enjoyed trick-or-treating and Maya kept exclaiming about how much fun she was having!  Leo loved reaching his hand into the candy bowls and was always trying to take more than his fair share. After we hit every house in our neighborhood we went to a neighborhood Halloween party!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Leo is 17 Months Old

So.. I never did a 15 month update on Leo,  so 17 months will have to do!


 You have become shy.  You love your mom and dad and want us around.  You're definitely  are going through your separation anxiety phase.  You love, love, love the dogs.  Rose is your favorite and you try to call every dog "Rose" now even though you say "doggy."  You've decided that 6 am is the best time to wake up, almost every single morning... You're just now getting better with your vocabulary.

You say:
What's that (Dat)
Want that (dat)

You make the following animal's noises:

You throw many short silly temper tantrums where you throw yourself on the ground every day.  They are typically because I won't give you more cheese (you're favorite food, which you like to help yourself to in the fridge), I won't let your sister fill an open cup up with water and ice for you anymore because you just keep making a mess, you can't go outside, or I won't let you attack the dogs.   You love books right now.  Your favorites are Animal Opposites, Hello Baby, Brown Bear Brown Bear,  Dear Zoo and How Do Dinosaurs Love Their Dogs?.  You remain obsessed with balls and are already pretty good at riding the scooter!   Your favorite foods are cheese and beans!  You don't seem to like bread (weirdo ;) )    You, of course, want to do and be involved in everything your big sister Maya does!!  We love you so much buddy!  You're a super fun little boy!!!


At 15 months Leo weighed 20.95 lbs (20%) and was 33 inches tall (96%).

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Longwood Gardens

The kids and I have been a lot of time at Longwood Gardens lately!  This past visit they had their fall pumpkin display out in the outdoor children's garden.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Leo's Baptism

Leo's finally baptized!  Our new house is assigned to a different parish and Leo's baptism was integrated into a typical mass. It worked out nicely although Leo appeared bewildered! At one point the priest lifted him up unit the air in front of the entire congregation like a scene in the Lion King!

Thursday, September 18, 2014


We explored a local arboretum recently and loved it.  The kids enjoyed exploring the "tree houses" and Maya loved looking for fairies along the "magical path."  

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Maya's First Day of Preschool

Maya went to preschool on her own for the first time today and did really well!  She walked in first without batting an eye.  I did get a call that about 45 minutes in that she was one of the criers (they called all the mom's of the criers to let us know they settled down- which was great communication) but she came out all smiles excited about her smiley face craft!  Apparently she did more of a concern cry from the crying domino effect that occurred.  She said she loved preschool!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Maya's 1st Ballet Class

Prima Ballerina

Her first class went really well.  Her dance teachers seemed amazing and so great and natural with 3 and 4 year olds!  

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Leo's 1 Year Photos

My childhood friend Laurie just started up her own photography business and she's super talented.  She wanted to do some practice sessions to help build her portfolio so I nicely asked if she'd come take some 1 year pictures of Leo (although he was really 13 months here I think!).  She had a challenge as Leo was a constantly moving target.  He also wouldn't smile which was out of the usual for him- he's usually a very smiley little boy!

I love, love, love the pictures!  Enjoy them and check out her website.

Of course Maya demanded some camera attention (and she sat still)!

I love this little face!

Just simply beautiful!

YAY, Daddy's home!!!

Dave came home just in time for Laurie to snag a family picture!

Thanks a million Laurie!!!